What does it mean to be private?
Art Society invites you to explore the concept of the interior for this year’s annual exhibition, be that looking into an interior self, an interior space, or interior activities. Your submissions could reflect a personal viewpoint, literally the view from your bedroom window or an outlook on your immediate surroundings, or more symbolically representative of a personal opinion.
What is something that only you can see, only you can feel, only you can experience? Submissions could range from representations of the visible to the invisible, could isolate the partial and the particular from the whole, could reflect liminal spaces. Is your conception of the private something entrenched in secrecy? Is it a place of solitude, or perhaps a place of freedom? The private is also something open to be intruded, interrupted. At what point does the private become public?
Ready to submit?
Please submit your work using the google form below. Please submit one form per artwork. If you have trouble uploading your work or want to submit a sound / video file, please email your work to:
Key Submission Information:
To be part of our printed publication you must submit your work by Saturday 29th May.
Work submitted after this date may not be able to be included in the physical exhibition but would be included on the exhibition website. If in doubt email us for more information - if you have a piece of work that is unfinished but you know you want to submit we may be able to be flexible on the dates.
Soundscapes / audio-only work can be submitted after the deadline, but at least one week before the exhibition.
We hope to run the exhibition in person in the last week of term 3. (Week beginning 7th June.) Venue tbc.
All submissions must include a high quality photograph / file of the work so we can put it in our publication and website.
Details of physical display
If you are able to come to campus:
We will give you details on dropping off / picking up closer to the day.
If you are unable to come to campus:
You can either:
Post your work to us (please enquire for address). We would then store your work for you to pick up next term (academic year 2021-22).
Have your work displayed via projector in the exhibition space.
Please note: we are not guaranteed a physical exhibition this year. We are currently in negotiation with UCL for use of JBR room and it is likely non-UCL guests will not be permitted. If we cannot have an in person exhibition we will instead make the publication of higher print quality (so a book rather than booklet) for artists to order and spend more time on the curation of the exhibition website, having a virtual opening night. We remain optimistic!